Health Risk Assessment

Risk management is a decision-making process designed to systematically identify hazards, assess risk degrees, and determine action plans

.Health Risk Assessments (HRAs) are components of the Medicare program; it covers both beneficiaries in FFS Medicare and Medicare Advantage within 90 days of the effective date of Medicare enrollment.
Medicare must conduct a health assessment annually to ensure coordinated and continuous patient care.

HRAs usually focus on health status, demographics, Health Risk Factors, including physical, psychosocial and behavioural risks, social determinants of health and functions of daily living.

HRAs can be survey-based and at home. They are usually one of the first steps to determine other health services that the patient requires.

HRAs are essential to identify health status and ensure that beneficiaries get the proper care at the right time to holistically improve their health and well-being. Beneficiaries receive personalized, patient-centred care through the comprehensive information collected in an HRA.

As a result, care is better managed by identifying critical gaps in care, providing appropriate clinical treatment, and better understanding the overall patient population to deliver more personalized and targeted care to all beneficiaries in the community.

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