Chronic Care Management Services

CCM, or Chronic Care Management Services, include care provided by providers and non-providers to patients suffering from at least two chronic conditions.

CCM focuses on evaluating chronic conditions, establishing a health plan, and following and monitoring progress through close communication with the patient.

CCM is a care coordination service done outside the regular office visits for patients with two or more chronic conditions expected to last at least 12 months or until the patient's death.

This means these patients are at moderate to high risk of death, acute exacerbation or decompensation, and functional decline.
This program allows the practitioners to keep track of the

It improves overall outcomes and reduces the practitioner's costs and time, closing the gaps in care between visits.

With CCM, your patients will gain a team of dedicated healthcare professionals who can help them to plan for better health and stay on track; they will receive a comprehensive care plan, and they will use CCM to support their needs between visits.

Your practice will improve care coordination, support patient compliance and increase access to help, and CCM can help you sustain and grow your practice.


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