Doctors' Prevention Network – PrevMed's Physicians Network

The Doctor's Prevention Network

If you are a physician, NP, or another provider, and you are stuck in the rut of working harder and making less, consider taking decisive action to reverse that trend.

Made by Doctors for Doctors

Fee-For-Value Solution and Preventive Medicine Revolution

If you're a physician, NP, or other provider, think about the Fee-For-Value, or Preventive Medicine Revolution. It's not coming - It's Here.

Medicare's goal is to drive 100% of Medicare patients into Medicare Advantage plans, changing how doctors get paid. 48% of Medicare patients are already in Medicare Advantage.


There is good news for doctors. You now can restore your financial independence and renew your enthusiasm to practice medicine.

Medicare Fee-for-Service (E/M) codes pay 20-30% less than they did 20 years ago.

Meanwhile, Medicare has added codes which make sense, & pay better, but they are challenging. Things like CCM, RPM, & TCM have proven to help patients. But they require an entirely new business/program structure. Building new business/program structures are impossible when you & your patients are already on the treadmill of Fee-For-Service care.

Transition from Fee for Service to Fee for Value


Ready to find out more?

Call us at 859-721-1414 or email us. Your patients deserve it. Your family deserves it. You deserve it!

Pardon our dust. The website is still under construction. For your feedback, please feel free to contact us

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